Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mudahnya tukar tiket Kereta Api

2 tahun belakangan ini memang intensitas gue melakukan perjalanan dengan kereta api lebih tinggi. dari KA Ekonomi macam matarmaja dari Jakarta - Malang dan sebaliknya, KA Progo dari Jakarta - Yogyakarta, sampe KA Gajayana dari Jakarta - Madiun. Pertama kali naik KA Ekonomi Matarmaja jarak jauh bulan maret tahun 2012, waktu backpakeran ke bromo bareng SmarTrip. awalnya agak parno sama keretanya, takutnya di dalam kereta nanti berdiri ga dapat tempat duduk kaya yang disiarin di tv-tv pas mudik. sampe-sampe gue berkali-kali gugling tentang kereta ini dan nanya temen yang pernah naik kereta yang sama. ya untuk make sure aja kalo selama perjalanan gue beneran dapat tempat duduk, ya gila aja kali 13 jam lebih berdiri. eh ternyata beneran dapat tempat duduk, dan ada nomor kursi di tiketnya, wah lega.

Nah tahun 2013 ini perjalanan perdana menggunakan kereta dimulai dengan naik KA Progo ke Yogyakarta, beruntungnya gue udah beli tiket sebelum adanya wacana kenaikan harga tiket yang dikarenakan adanya peningkatan fasilitas di kereta yaitu penggunaan AC. Masih dapat harga tiket IDR 35ribu per orang dan naik keretanya yang udah diupgrade pake AC pula hahaha. sekarang setelah adanya AC tiket KA Progo naik menjadi IDR 90ribu.

Salut banget sama perubahan yang dilakukan PT KAI, ya walaupun belum maksimal tapi tak apalah diacungkan jempol untuk bisa lebih baik lagi.

BTW penukaran tiket KA ini juga gampang banget. Kemarin gue mau tuker tiket keberangkatan ke Kediri, syaratnya gampang kok cuma foto copy KTP nama penumpang sesuai yang tertera di tiket & mengisi formulir pembatalan, dan minimal penukaran 1 jam sebelum keberangkatan kereta, oiya setiap pembatalan dikenakan 25% dari harga tiket.
Nah kalo udah beli tiket di Indomaret atau Alfamart pembatalan tiket tinggal langsung aja dateng ke stasiun dan minta dirubah tanggal keberangkatan dan membayar sisa kekurangan dari tiket tanpa pake foto copy.

Dan juga akhir-akhir ini PT. KAI suka ngadain tiket promo macam pesawat terbang lho, dari kelas eksekutif mulai 100ribu, sayangnya kemarin balik ke Jakarta ga tau kalo ada promo jadi ga kebagian deh.

Kekurangan dari Kereta api ini masih ada aja pedagang asongan di dalam kereta, padahal di setiap stasiun udah banyak spanduk peraturan adanya larangan berdagang di dalam kereta, tapi kasian juga sih ya pedagang ini, tapi ini harusnya kan jadi urusan pemerintah daerah masing-masing.

Simple makes life easy...

Good luck for PT. KAI

Build business for whole your life

Pare is one of a village in kediri. this known as "kampung Inggris" because there's a lot of english course, maybe it's more than 30 english course here.  i have known about this place several years ago, and just interested to came here several months ago. Actually my old brother has came here. he told me much about this place but i don't interest at all at that time.

Several months ago i took my career break, after waste all of my time at home i decided to learn english in Pare, my english skill is not really bad. i do really love to learned english while i was in school but in fact i'm not confident to use it. I really want to have fluent english. i don't need to think about the vocabularies, the grammer, and the correct pronounce that's what i called Fluent. so I'm here to sharpen my english.

First month in Pare i took english course in Marvelous, i know about it from my friend who ever studied there and i found in google that its one of the best english course in pare. my first week in marvelous, well i got disapointed, it is out from my expectation. I payed IDR 700K for 4 lesson + 2 study club and it's include the camp (the place for we live). btw i went there with my cousin. after we registered we went to the camp to see how our room looks a like and we got surprised that the unexpected room We got small room with a tiny mattress for 4 person, then we decide to rent a room outside and we dont get our money back for camp charge. btw the male camp is worse than girl camp.

Our class room in marvelous is also annoying, we studied in small room with grey whiteboard & broken fan. btw the weather in pare is really hot, its even more hot than in jakarta. everyone heres use to protect their skin if you don't wanna have "zebra skin" i mean "belang" in bahasa.

From 4 lessons (Pronounce, Vocabulary, grammar, speaking) + 2 study club i got there. the pronounce class is the best, the teacher is ms. Lia, she is younger than me, well i never get any pronounce class before, so this is something new. she teachs us to read a vonetic simbol in oxford dictionary & how to spell it well. it works too much, because lot of my friend who has jawa & makassar accent can fix their pronounce.
In vocabulary class we learn about vocab and idiom then we have to remember all of the vocabularies & idiom because in the end of week there will be an exam. In grammar class, we learn grammar from basic like tenses, auxilarry, modal & etc. The last is speaking class, oh i really hate this class. The teacher is ex student of marvelous who only has studied for 3 months. I didn’t catch everything what she said, it’s not clear and i think her english is terrible. Even this crazy teacher gave us to play “drama” for the last exam.
The conclusion, this english course is not the best one, it’s not serve the students well, the bad class, the messy camp, the broken fan, unexperience teacher. The good thing that i can recommend from this place that it has good pronounce class. sadly they don't offer a program but in a package like i told you before.

Like i said, i really dissapointed with the facilities in marvelous. my friends has told the owner, Mr. Tan to fix the facilities but he just answered "we don't sell facility, we sell the knowledge". oh come on, which one knowledge? huh. btw, you build a business for whole your life not only for 3 or 5 years, go out and take a look arround pare, see hows every english course build their english course and serve the "customers".

Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy Eid Mubarak 1434H

it's been a long time i didn't write here. well anyway i would like to say my greeting to all muslim in the world...

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1434 H
Minal Aidzin Wal Faidzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Bathin

May we'll  meet Ramadhan Next Year, amin.